While we try our best to weed out any mistakes, we know it is impossible to catch every error. Corrections to our books and magazines will be reported in this page. We welcome corrections from our readers. Please use the Contact form to report any mistakes you may have spotted.

Pulze 1
Pg 5: Chandrachud Nanduri has pointed out that the contents page shows Cipher Fillomino being on page 67, when, in fact, it is actually Pentopia.
Pg 24: Martin Ender saw that in Profile One, "1987" is meant to be "1897". Tostcronch also spotted that in Profile Three, "Galapagos" was misspelled as "Galagapos".
Pg 79: Kittiphon Phalakarn noticed the solution to puzzle No. 44 (Tapa) is missing a shaded cell in R5C3.

Pulze 2
Pg 21-23: Instructions to Castle Wall variations should have directed readers to page 16 (not page 30).
Pg 35: Yuhao Du noticed that the example puzzle of Symmetry Areas has multiple solutions.